Informal Letter Format: Write Heartfelt Letters Easily!

Aug 12, 2024by Eduyush Team

Informal Letter Format

Informal letter format, in today’s fast-paced world where WhatsApp messages and emails are the norm, provides a uniquely heartfelt way to communicate. Whether you’re catching up with an old school friend, sharing exciting news with a cousin, or staying in touch with a loved one, a letter can convey the warmth and personal touch that digital communication often lacks. But how do you craft an informal letter that feels genuine and warm? Let’s explore some tips using key phrases to help you write the perfect informal letter, desi-style.

how to write informal letters

How do you write an informal letter?

Step 1: Starting Your Letter with a Warm Greeting

The way you begin your letter sets the tone for the entire conversation. Unlike formal letters, where you might start with “Dear Sir/Madam,” informal letters allow you to be more personal and relatable. You could start with:

  • Hi [Name],
  • Hello [Name],
  • Dear [Name],
  • Hey [Name],

For example, “Hey Rahul, how are you doing?” immediately creates a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, making the reader feel at ease, like catching up over a cup of chai.

Step 2: Connecting with a Personal Touch

Once you’ve set the tone with your greeting, it’s time to dive into the body of the letter. This is where you connect personally, much like in a conversation. Here are some phrases that might come in handy:

  • How are you doing?
  • Hope you’re doing well!
  • I’ve been meaning to catch up.
  • I just thought I’d drop you a line.
  • I wanted to let you know…

For instance, “I’ve been meaning to catch up with you since our last family gathering. Hope you’re doing well!” shows that you’ve been thinking about the recipient, making the letter feel more personal and sincere, just like a casual chat during a family function.

Step 3: Sharing Your Thoughts and Updates

Now that you’ve set the stage, it’s time to share your thoughts. Whether you’re updating them on your life, sharing a funny incident, or just catching up, keep it light and engaging:

  • It’s been a while since we last talked.
  • By the way…
  • Guess what?
  • I was thinking about you the other day.
  • Speaking of…
  • You won’t believe what happened!

For example, “You won’t believe what happened at the office the other day!” This grabs attention and invites the reader to be part of your experiences, much like recounting stories over an evening snack.

Step 4: Wrapping It Up with a Friendly Closing

As you finish your letter, leaving your reader with a sense of warmth and eagerness for the following conversation is essential. Here are some closing phrases you can use:

  • Take care,
  • Best wishes,
  • All the best,
  • Cheers,
  • Lots of love,
  • Talk soon,
  • Looking forward to hearing from you,
  • Catch you later,
  • See you soon,
  • Write back when you can,
  • Warm regards,

For example, “Looking forward to hearing from you. Take care, Rahul” makes the ending feel warm and inviting, encouraging the recipient to respond, much like saying “Phir milte hain” after a pleasant meet-up.

Why Informal Letters Remain Relevant Today

Writing an informal letter may seem outdated in an age dominated by instant communication, and it needs to be updated. However, it offers a personal touch that digital communication needs to improve. A letter can be kept, cherished, and re-read, providing a tangible connection between the writer and recipient.

  • Emotional Impact of Handwritten Letters: Handwritten letters convey the sender's effort and thoughtfulness. Unlike hurried emails or texts, a letter requires time and care, making the recipient's message more meaningful and appreciated.
  • Strengthening Relationships: Writing letters can strengthen relationships, particularly in long-distance friendships or family ties. Taking the time to write shows that you value the relationship, fostering a deep and lasting connection.
  • A Unique Expression: Informal letters allow for a unique expression that digital communication often misses. The choice of stationery, the act of writing, and the personal touch of handwriting make letters uniquely convey your thoughts and emotions.

Sample informal letter formats.

1. Catching Up with an Old Friend informal letter format

Hi Priya,

How are you? It’s been such a long time since we last caught up. The other day, I was flipping through some old photo albums and came across pictures from our school days. It brought back many memories—like when we skipped class to watch that new movie or those endless chai sessions at the college canteen.

I realized how much I miss those days and, more importantly, how much I miss our conversations. We should meet soon. Maybe we could revisit some of our old haunts or try out that new café everyone’s talking about.

Let me know when you’re free—I can’t wait to catch up with you and relive some old memories!

Take care,

2. Sharing Exciting News

Hello Amit,

Hope you’re doing well! I have some exciting news that I couldn’t wait to share with you. Guess what? I got promoted at work last week! Remember how we discussed our career goals while walking around Connaught Place? It finally happened, and I’m now leading the marketing team!

I still can’t believe it. All those late nights and extra efforts have finally paid off. I thought about how we always said we’d celebrate when something big like this happened. So, what do you say? Let’s plan a dinner or maybe even a small weekend getaway to celebrate this milestone.

I can’t wait to hear what’s also happening in your life. Let’s catch up soon!

Best regards,


3. A Note of Appreciation

Dear Ma,

I’ve been meaning to write this letter for a while now. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on everything happening, and I couldn’t help but think about how much your support has meant to me. I know I don’t say it often enough, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your advice on managing my work-life balance has been a lifesaver. I’ve started practicing some of the techniques you suggested, like the morning yoga routine and weekend family dinners. It’s made such a positive difference in my life.

I hope we can spend some more time together soon. Maybe we can plan a visit to Nani’s place? I miss our little family trips and those delicious meals you always prepare. Thank you for everything, Ma—you’re the best!


4. Inviting Someone Over

Hey Rohan,

How’s everything going with you? It’s been a while since we last caught up, and I’ve been thinking it’s high time we got together. We’re planning a small get-together at our place next weekend, and I’d love it if you could join us.

It will be a relaxed evening with close friends and family—nothing too fancy, just some good food, a little music, and laughter. I know you’ve been super busy with work, but it would be great to unwind and catch up over a few drinks.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you can make it. If there’s anything in particular you’d like to do or eat, we can plan something special. I am looking forward to seeing you!

Warm regards,

5. Sending Best Wishes

Hi Neha,

Hope everything’s going well with you! I just wanted to drop you a quick line to wish you all the best for your upcoming board exams. You've been studying so hard, and I’m confident that your efforts will pay off.

I remember when I was in your shoes—those late-night study sessions, the endless notes, and the last-minute revisions. But trust me, all that hard work will be worth it. Just stay focused, take care of your health, and take breaks when needed.

I’m confident you’ll do great, and I’m looking forward to hearing about how it all goes. Let’s plan to meet up once your exams are over and celebrate!

Take care,


6. Sharing a Funny Incident

Hello Sameer,

You won’t believe what happened to me the other day! I was shopping in Lajpat Nagar, looking for a kurta for a family function, when I bumped into our old college professor, Dr. Sharma. Remember how strict he used to be? Well, he didn’t recognize me at first, but when he did, we both had a good laugh.

The funniest part is that he bargained with the shopkeeper like a pro! It reminded me of the time we tried to convince him to give us extra marks for that project, and he made us do extra assignments instead. I couldn’t stop laughing.

I hope this brings a smile to your face. Let’s catch up soon—I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!


FAQs on informal letter format

  1. Can I use abbreviations and slang in an informal letter?
    • Yes, since informal letters are personal and casual, using abbreviations, slang, or even local dialects is perfectly acceptable, as long as the recipient understands and appreciates it.
  2. How should I begin an informal letter?
    • You can begin an informal letter with a warm greeting like "Dear [Name]" or "Hi [Name]," followed by a line inquiring about the recipient’s well-being, such as "How have you been?" or "I hope you’re doing well."
  3. What kind of language should I use in an informal letter?
    • The language should be relaxed and conversational, as if speaking directly to the person. Avoid overly formal or stiff language, and feel free to express emotions and personal thoughts.
  4. Do I need to write the recipient’s address in an informal letter?
    • Typically, you do not need to include the recipient’s address in an informal letter unless you are mailing it and must include it on the envelope. The sender’s address is usually sufficient.
  5. How should I close an informal letter?
    • Close an informal letter with a friendly sign-off like "Take care," "Love," "See you soon," or "Best," followed by your name.
  6. Is it necessary to include the date in an informal letter?
    • Including the date is a good practice, as it provides context for the recipient and can help keep a record of correspondence.
  7. Can I use informal letters for formal situations?
    • No, informal letters are best suited for personal communication. A formal letter format is advisable for professional or formal situations.
  8. What is the tone of an informal letter?
    • The tone of an informal letter should be friendly, warm, and personal. It should reflect your relationship with the recipient, whether casual, affectionate, or humorous.

Closing Thoughts: Embrace the Timeless Charm of Letter Writing

In a world where everything seems to be moving at lightning speed, writing an informal letter can be a breath of fresh air. It’s a simple yet profound way to connect with the people who matter most in our lives. Whether you’re reminiscing with an old friend, sharing joyful news, or just dropping a line to say hello, a letter carries a personal touch that digital communication can never truly replicate.

So, why not pick up a pen or write a heartfelt note today? With these tips and sample formats, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of informal letter writing, Indian style. Remember, it’s not just about the words you write but the emotions you convey. After all, these small gestures often leave the most lasting impressions.

Happy letter writing!

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