Eduyush DipIFR Google classroom Index

The below is an index to the Google classroom.  This can be accessed either via the browser or the Google classroom app.

Introduction and ACCA materials 

Introduction to this study material

ACCA Study materials and past papers

Recorded lectures 

Dec 23 batch ( recorded sessions yet to happen)

Jun 24 batch (sessions yet to happen)


Study Materials and workbooks

Asset Accounting

Financial instruments

Group accounts and consildation



Study materials for other Standards

Each of the section contains workbooks, summaries, excel examples (where applicable) and curated public videos

     IAS 1 Presentation
      IAS 2 Inventories
        IAS 8 Accounting polices
          IAS 19 Employee benefits
            IAS 20 Government grants
              IAS 21 Foreign currency
                IAS 23 Borrowing costs
                  IAS 24 Related party
                    IAS 33 Earning per Share
                      IAS 37 Provisions 
                        IFRS 2 Share based payments
                          IFRS 5 Non current assets
                            IFRS 6 Exploration and mining
                              IFRS 8 Operating Segments
                                IFRS for SME's IAS 12 Income taxes

                                Quiz banks

                                The Quiz banks help you calibrate your learning from the above study materials. We recommend you to take a quiz after you have gone through the workbooks or BPP materials. A lot of times, students read the concepts and fail when it comes to application of the concept. The quiz banks will help you get greater clarity on your concepts. We recommend a score of 70% minimum on the quizzes.

                                 IAS 1 IAS 2 IAS 8
                                IAS 12 IAS 16 IAS 19
                                IAS 21 IAS 24 IAS 36
                                IAS 37 IAS 38 IAS 41
                                IFRS 2 IFRS 8 Consolidation
                                IFRS 15 IFRS 16 Financial Instruments

                                CBE mocks - click here

                                We share a CBE mock every week. The objective is that you start getting the practice of typing your answers on a Google sheet or docs. The section contains the mocks as well as the model answers

                                BPP books  contain the mock question papers and we recommend students to obtain a copy to help them in their exam preparation. Use them to practice on the CBE practice area