CMA US CPE requirements: Complete Guide

by Eduyush Team

CMA US CPE Requirements: Everything You Need to Know for Maintaining Your Certification

CMA US CPE Requirements play a crucial role in ensuring Certified Management Accountants (CMAs) stay updated in their profession. Meeting these requirements is essential for maintaining your certification, keeping up with industry standards, and showcasing your dedication to lifelong learning.

In this guide, we’ll break down CMA US CPE requirements, what qualifies as CPE, how to track it, and some valuable tips to ensure compliance. This comprehensive overview will help you understand the nuances of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and how it applies to your career as a CMA.

What Are CMA US CPE Requirements?

To retain your CMA US certification, you must complete a set amount of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours every year. These CPE credits help you stay informed and competent in the rapidly evolving fields of management accounting and financial analysis.

Essential CPE Requirements for CMA US:

  • 30 CPE hours annually
  • 2 hours of ethics training included in the 30-hour total
  • Maintain records of your CPE activities for at least two years in case of an audit by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)

Breakdown of CMA US CPE Requirements

Annual CPE Hours

CMAs in the US must complete 30 hours of CPE every year. These hours can be earned through various activities that contribute to your professional knowledge, including:

  • Seminars and conferences
  • Webinars and online courses
  • Workshops
  • Teaching or presenting at professional events
  • Reading relevant professional literature

For more details on the types of activities that qualify, visit the IMA’s official  CMA Continuing Education Guidelines page.

Ethics Training

Included within the 30-hour requirement, CMAs must complete 2 hours of ethics training annually. Ethics education helps ensure that professionals adhere to the highest standards of integrity in financial decision-making.

Courses in ethics can cover topics like:

  • Professional ethics for accountants
  • Conflict of interest management
  • Corporate governance

You can complete your ethics CPE via webinars, online courses, or in-person seminars accredited CPE providers offer.

Accepted CPE Formats for CMA US

To meet your CMA US CPE requirements, you can choose from various learning formats, allowing you to earn credits that suit your schedule and learning preferences.

Common CPE Formats:

  • Online CPE courses are popular because they are flexible and allow you to complete the course at your own pace.
  • Live webinars: Interactive and informative, live webinars provide real-time engagement with industry experts.
  • In-person seminars and workshops: These offer direct learning experiences and networking opportunities.
  • Self-study programs: Approved courses often come with assessments that help you gauge your understanding of the material.

How to Track and Report CPE Credits

Tracking Your CPE Credits

As a CMA US, you are responsible for keeping records of your CPE activities. It’s essential to track the following details for each activity:

  • Title of the course/event
  • CPE credits earned
  • Date of completion
  • Provider’s name
  • Proof of completion (e.g., certificates)

The IMA requires that you maintain these records for at least two years in case your CPE activities are audited.

Reporting CPE Credits

To report your CPE credits, log into your IMA account annually and update your completed CPE hours. The IMA uses an honor system, but your records must be accurate and readily available upon request.

Learn more about How to Report CPE Credits for CMA US.

CPE Non-Compliance and Consequences

Failing to meet your CPE requirements can have profound implications, including suspending or revoking your CMA certification. If you fall short on your CPE hours:

  • The IMA may give you a grace period to complete the required credits.
  • You risk losing your CMA US certification if you don’t complete your CPE hours within the specified period.

If you’re struggling to complete your CPE credits, consider signing up for courses that offer high-value CPE hours in a shorter timeframe. Many providers offer intensive programs to help CMAs meet their requirements efficiently.

Tips for Meeting CMA US CPE Requirements

  1. Plan Your CPE Early: Don’t wait until the last minute to start earning your CPE credits. Set a goal of completing a few hours each quarter so you’re not scrambling at the end of the year.
  2. Diversify Your Learning: Try a variety of formats to keep your learning fresh and engaging. To earn your CPE credits, attend webinarsin-person workshops, and self-study programs.
  3. Focus on Relevant Topics: Make sure your CPE activities align with your career goals. Focus on courses related to financial analysismanagement accountingcorporate governance, and leadership to enhance your expertise while meeting CPE requirements.
  4. Leverage Free CPE Courses: Many providers, including the IMA, offer members free or discounted CPE courses. Take advantage of these resources to meet your CPE requirements without breaking the bank. 

FAQs About CMA US CPE Requirements

How many CPE credits do I need to maintain my CMA US certification?

You must complete 30 CPE hours annually, with 2 hours dedicated explicitly to ethics training.

Can I carry over extra CPE credits for next year?

The IMA allows CMAs to carry over up to 10 excess CPE hours from one year to the next. However, the mandatory 2 hours of ethics cannot be carried forward.

What happens if I fail to meet my CPE requirements?

Failure to meet your CPE obligations can result in suspension or revocation of your CMA US certification. The IMA may offer a grace period for completing the required credits, but failure to comply can lead to certification loss.

Where can I find accessible or affordable CPE courses?

Many organizations, including the IMA, offer free or discounted CPE courses for CMA members. Additionally, some employers may sponsor or reimburse CPE costs.

Conclusion: Stay Compliant with CMA US CPE Requirements

Meeting your CMA US CPE requirements is crucial for maintaining your certification and staying competitive in the finance and accounting field. By completing 30 hours of CPE annually and 2 hours of ethics training, you ensure that your skills remain up-to-date and aligned with the evolving standards of management accounting.

With careful planning, you can easily stay compliant through online coursesseminars, or self-study programs. If you’re ready to explore the best CPE options, check out our article on Top CPE Providers for CMA US.

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Take the first step towards your CMA certification and visit to apply - it's quick and easy!

Purchase the required entrance fee and IMA membership; then, you'll be able to register for Part 1 or 2 of the exam in any order – or both at once!

There are additional steps needed before being fully certified, such as submitting education transcripts and providing proof of work experience – although this can all be done while studying if preferred.

With just a few clicks, you could soon have an internationally recognized professional qualification on your resume, so get started today!

IMA® is a highly esteemed association committed to propelling the management accounting profession.

With over 100,000 members, we offer invaluable access to our CMA program so you can take your career and organization up a notch through professional growth. Join us in pushing the boundaries of success!

The average pass rate for the CMA varies by geographic region but is typically around 50% on both parts one and two of the exam.

CMA aspirants have three years to successfully complete both components of the exam from the day they join their program. With ample time available, success is well within reach!

A diverse range of backgrounds, from engineering to economics and business administration forms the ideal skill set our candidates need. An accounting background can certainly be beneficial; however, it is not necessary for success in this position.