How much time do you require to study for your DIPIFR exam
How much time do you require to study for ACCA DIPIFR
Does a person need a full hour to eat lunch? No one ever said passing the exam was going to be easy, and certainly, no one ever pretended that you could prepare without sacrificing something that you enjoy. Make the commitment to pass; find the time in your schedule to study. Where can you find the time?
Key insights
How long does it take to prepare for IFRS?
It takes an average of 175 hours to prepare for the ACCA DipIFR exam. The only miracle to clear the exam is not coaching but TIME.
It takes about three weeks of constantly doing something to make it a habit. If you set your alarm to wake up forty-five minutes earlier to study before you go to work, you could form a morning study habit in a very short time. Five, forty-five-minute morning sessions each week gives you a total of almost four hours of study time a week.
The below table presents a suggested study plan.
Study time | Minutes of study per day | Total study time per week |
In the morning, before you go to work | 30 minutes, 5 days per week | 2.50 hours |
Lunch break | 15 minutes, 5 days per week | 1.50 hours |
Evening time after work | 30 minuted, 4 nights per week | 2.00 hours |
Weekends | 4 hours | 8 hours |
Total per week | 14 hours per week |
If you have 3 months to go before the exam, which is roughly 14 weeks, this will give you a study time of approx 175 hours. We believe you should set aside close to 50 to 75 hours for practicing past papers or the BPP practice and revision kit.
Hear Mukund on how he set aside time to pass the exams
Organized people who deliberately make time to study can easily find twelve hours per week outside of work to study. Notice that Friday is a light day, with no studying during lunch or in the evening. Adjust the plan to fit your life. For example, if you make the decision to play a hobby, you might give up a weeknight and study for three hours on three evenings instead of two hours for four nights. If you must attend a family event on Sunday, add three hours of study time to Saturday so as to free up the entire day on Sunday, or exchange Sunday study time with Friday evening. Sticking to the plan requires flexibility. However, just spending time looking at the material while you tick off the minutes spent is not going to help you.
Study Real
Real studying means that you are using the time to learn topics, not just wasting time staring at your study manuals. Real studying means you will spend about 25% of your study time reading and about 75% of your study time doing. Whatever you do, don’t confuse staring at the material with actively studying to learn the material.
It is easy to determine if you have wasted study time or used your time wisely to learn and retain information. Simply try to answer the sample questions. Use our quiz banks to calibrate your knowledge, or try to work some questions in the BPP practice and revision kit. If you can answer the questions correctly, you will know that you learned the material. If you are unable to answer the questions correctly, you’ve wasted time.
Can the study time vary?
How much time should a candidate study? The answer depends on a number of factors.
- How much time do you have before your scheduled exam date?If there are five months, you don’t need to study as much each day as you would if there were only three months left.
- How much do you know?If you recently completed your CA and have the practice of writing exams, you probably know a great deal. You are current and need to study less than the person who has been out of CA for five to ten years.
- How quickly do you absorb technical material?
- How current are you in a particular area?
- What activities do you perform on your job that may help you learn an area?If you work in an audit firm or work in a role that actively uses IFRS, you will be well versed in this area and will require less study time. With work experience, should be a section that you will feel confident taking with less study time.
It is impossible to say exactly how much time a person must study. The schedule of twenty-one hours per week is about the average time a person can carve out of a very busy weekly schedule.
Keep in mind that if you attend a tuition course, the hours you spend at the course should count as study time. The basic rule is to study as much as you can to learn what you need to learn. Don’t let time be the driving force. When preparing your study plan, let the number of topics you must learn, and review be the driving force.
To summarize
Quality study time does pay off. Spending all of your spare time studying is not a lifestyle that you want to keep up forever. The good news is there is no need to execute this study schedule forever.
Take one exam topic at a time. Study hard, sit for a section, and then take a short break. Reward yourself with a minivacation from the rigors of study. Personalize your study plan to fit your background, your strengths, and your weaknesses.
Great motivational lines with clear plans. Thank you Team :)
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