ACCA launches Certificate in Digital Innovation for Finance

Jun 1, 2020by Eduyush Team

Developing a healthy obsession with technology

Recently, we've seen countless examples of new technology having a massive impact on our lives. More than ever, finance executives need to strengthen their understanding of and perspective on technology. They need to survey new innovations, forecast their pace of change, and gauge the implications.

They also need to keep asking, "What if?" And adopt new tools and strategies as industry shifts, not after its shift. Simply, people need to develop a healthy obsession with technology. 

And as we begin to embrace disruptive change in one technology, far more exciting possibilities unfold when we explore how multiple areas are converging. Technology is and will increasingly be a driver of disruption, destabilizing entrenched business in entire industries, while also creating new markets and value not yet imagined. 

How does Digitisation affect the finance function

Leading like a finance function requires a vigilant understanding of potential sources of disruption. It requires that you understand the potential for how your company's offering might become obsolete, and inspires you to think about entirely new opportunities. While the answers may not always be perfectly clear, what's most important is relentlessly seeking them. 

A CFO is a decision-maker and business enabler, unless he and his team don’t understand the language of this technology, they will no longer add value to an organization. Digital skills like MS excel or Oracle and ERP knowledge will soon start looking like old age Nokia or Blackberry phones. Its, therefore, imperative that the finance function upgrades to the new age technologies to keep their skill sets secure.

What is the new certification by ACCA called CERTDIF

The ACCA Certificate in Digital Innovation for Finance is aimed at accountancy, finance, business, and advisory professionals who wish to develop their knowledge, skills, and awareness of innovations in digital technology and its impact on the finance profession. The certified members will be competent in Data, Digital and Technology, equipped to hit the ground running with the skills your organization needs for both now and in the future. 

The certificate is divided into 20 units, each lasting around one hour. The certificate structure includes learning materials, sharing experiences, and reflection through notes: 

Broad topics cover bitcoin blockchain, AI, Machine learning, Analytics, Robotics, and the role of digital transformation by finance in an organization.

Users get one year to complete this course, post the completion, they will get the CERTDIF.

Read the syllabus of this new certification here.

What are the learning outcomes of CERTDIF

The CertDIF is designed to help you:

  • understand how digital technology is disrupting the finance profession
  • increase your awareness of emerging technologies
  • understand what digitalization can mean for your role and how to make informed decisions about adopting and using new technologies
  • develop a digital mindset to take a considered view of the emerging technologies
  • stay up to date in this ever-changing and fast-moving area.

Are there any entry requirements 

There are no formal educational requirements to begin the certificate.

If you already have a professional accountancy qualification, this certificate can help you top up existing competencies with specific knowledge and skills around digital technology, future disruptors and digital transformation. It's also be a valuable source of CPD.

Why should finance people go for it

The CFO and the finance unit are critical to the success of a digital business transformation. A successful transformation isn’t just about introducing digital technologies into the enterprise. Many of these technologies can easily be copied, and they don’t provide a competitive advantage. Instead, the success of the transformation rests on the enterprise’s ability to integrate, creating a multi-product, multichannel experience or a single view of the customer, or services that couple products with data. 

The CFO and the finance unit are well-positioned to lead the integration efforts, as not only do they understand the law, accounting, and internal controls, but they have a birds-eye of the key business drivers and can aid and add a lot of value to the business. 

Specifically, they help create a vision on how to use digital to transform the enterprise via both efficiencies and growth. The difference between effective and ineffective CFOs and finance units is a big potential leverage point for the enterprise. It is worth investing in both.

Read the global reviews coming on CERTDIF here

How do you register for this certification

Students can register for the course either from ACCA’s site or avail our ervices to register you at discounted prices on  To know more browse the product section or contact us via email at or call us at +919643308079

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