Manager and Leadership Assessment

Manager and Leadership Assessment

Welcome to self assessment tools on your managerial and leadership traits.

Manager Assessment

Are you clear about the traits that successful managers possess? Have you been able to determine if you have them? Do you have the assertiveness that enables you to take charge; the ego-drive—that inner need to persuade people to agree with you, the strong decision-making skills to help you solve problems; and the internal and external structure that allows you to manage your own and your employees’ time while still working within the company’s rules and guidelines? Can you be compassionate and caring without letting your empathy turn to sympathy? Try the assessment now to find out where you fit as a manager

Manager Assessment - click here

Leadership Assessment

Are you clear about the traits that successful leaders possess? Have you been able to determine if you have them? Do you think you would make a good Chief Executive Officer or Senior Vice President? How about a Chief Financial Officer, Vice President of Operations, or a General Manager? Do you have the assertiveness—that positive forcefulness that lets you control a situation in a straightforward, positive, and direct way, the innovation and willingness to take risks, the strong decision-making skills, and the confidence to fail, learn from it, and move on? Try the assessment now to find out where you fit as a manager

Leadership assessment - Click here

Read our soft skills blog to read more about how you can hone your soft skills and be a better leader or manager.

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