CISA Certification Mock test
CISA Mock Test
Try our mock test to assess where you stand in terms of your CISA preparedness. This is a free version of 15 questions. In case you want to attempt the entire question, do take the CISA training course from us. Scroll down this page to start the quiz.
The Certification Exam
The CISA certification exam is offered almost continuously throughout the year in periods known as testing windows that are generally several months in length. The ISACA web site will have information about current testing windows and sometimes about future testing windows.
Exam questions are derived from a job practice analysis study conducted by ISACA. The areas selected represent those tasks performed in a CISA's day-to-day activities and represent the background knowledge required to perform IS audit, control, assurance, and security tasks. More detailed descriptions of the task and knowledge statements can be found at
Domain | CISA Job Practice Area | Percentage of Exam |
1 | Information Systems Auditing Process | 21 |
2 | Governance and Management of IT | 17 |
3 | Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation | 12 |
4 | Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience | 23 |
5 | Protection of Information Assets | 27 |
CISA Mock Test:
Please note:
Number of questions to answer: 15
Number of correct answers needed to pass: 12
Once you pass, you can download your certificate of completion
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